Swimming Pools, Spas, Fountains, Aquatic Centers
Sanitization | pH Adjustment
Commercial pool and spas require a minimum chlorine residual to maintain sanitary water and are generally regulated by a local health department. Maintaining the proper pH of swimming pool water increases the effectiveness of sanitizers and prevents premature wear of equipment and pool surfaces. Stenner peristaltic metering pumps are often used to inject sodium hypochlorite for sanitization and muriatic acid to adjust the pH.
Due to environmental conditions and fluctuating bather loads, the metering pumps are often used with ORP/pH controllers designed to monitor water chemistry and automatically activate the chlorine or acid metering pump to maintain proper water chemistry.
Enzyme Injection | Liquid Pool Covers
The injection of enzymes into commercial pool and spa water with heavy bather loads will decrease scum line buildup, decrease chlorine usage and will cut down on tile cleaning and extend filter runs. The enzymes help to maintain clean and clear water.
To treat water fountains, dose liquid pool covers, or inject enzyme formulas, Stenner has a metering pump for injection based on time. The Econ T pump has a 7 day integral timer allowing for 24 separate timed events providing flexibility for the most efficient and effective dosing schedule and dosage amounts to allow enzymes to work best. The Econ pumps are also available as a Tank System.